09 October 2025 - 10 October 2025

Climate and energy

Ditchley Rule:
Participants are reminded of the confidential basis on which Ditchley conferences are held. All those participating do so in their personal capacities, not as spokespeople for any country or institution. The discussions are subject to the ‘Ditchley Rule’: all contributions are unattributable and interventions are made in strict confidence; this also applies to conversations outside the formal sessions. Those present are, however, free to draw on the substance of what has been said, but not under any circumstances to disclose who it was that said it. The Rule will be scrupulously observed in any post-conference reports.

Ditchley conferences are informal (business casual) throughout, except for dinner on the second evening. It is a Ditchley tradition that dress for the formal dinner on the second evening is Black Tie. However, this is not at all a requirement - please be assured that you will feel entirely comfortable in a business suit or another form of evening attire, whether modern or traditional. It is worth noting that, although Sir David Wills, the founder of the Ditchley Foundation, instigated the tradition of Black Tie dinners, he never wore Black Tie himself. He wanted to ensure that no one would feel uncomfortable if they had not come with formal clothes. That captures the Ditchley spirit.