President, Seneca College
David Agnew became the fifth president of Seneca College in Toronto, Canada in 2009.
Mr. Agnew has held leadership positions in the public, private and non-profit sectors, including Secretary to the Cabinet in Ontario after serving as the Premier’s Principal Secretary, President and CEO of UNICEF Canada, Principal at Digital 4Sight, Executive Vice-President at the Credit Union Central of Ontario and Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments. He was also seconded Massey College at the University of Toronto as a Senior Resident.
Mr. Agnew serves on numerous boards and committees, including as chair of CADTH, the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health, and vice-chair of Polytechnics Canada and Education Quality and Accountability Ontario. He is past chair of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Mr. Agnew is also a founding member of Sichuan University’s International Advisory Board.
A member of the Programme Advisory Committee, Canadian Ditchley.