Ray Williams is a recently retired financial services executive with four decades of experience in Global Capital Markets. Mr. Williams is a former Vice Chairman, Financial Markets at National Bank Financial, one of the top six investment dealers in Canada.
He is also an Executive-in-Residence at Rotman School of Management, and sits on the Board of George Brown College Foundation, The Institute for Research in Public Policy (IRPP); Toronto Global and Canadian Ditchley.
Mr. Williams is committed to community engagement, in the areas of diversity and inclusion efforts. He serves on leadership boards for various organizations, including 100Strong Foundation.
He is an outspoken champion of workplace diversity and is a Past & Founding President (2000) and continuing member of The Canadian Association of Urban Financial Professionals (CAUFP) the pre-eminent professional trade organization for minorities in the financial services industry. He is also a Co-Founder & Chair of the Black Opportunity Fund established in 2020.
A Member of the Board of Directors, The Canadian Ditchley Foundation.