Recent News

21 June, 2021
Take Back Control Part Two Conference
Last week, for the first time since October 2020, Ditchley held a hybrid conference, bringing together a small number of in-person participants and about forty virtual participants. Given the theme
07 June, 2021
Ditchley Climate Programme – A Virtual Discussion
Ditchley’s climate change conference (February 2021) explored how recovery from the pandemic could be used to leverage action on climate change. In follow up to that conference, Ditchley put in place
25 May, 2021
China Today and Tomorrow
20-21 May 2021 The advantage and power of the virtual to bring together people from across the globe to meet when physical travel is either not possible or justifiable were fully felt at last week’s
28 April, 2021
Global finance, states and societies: how can finance be one of the heroes of a green recovery from the great pandemic? 
Last Thursday and Friday (22 & 23 April), Ditchley held its Mill Reef conference virtually with 60 participants from 16 different countries including the UK, US, Germany and China. Global finance