Recent News

02 February, 2021
Ditchley conference on Space: the new space race and its intersection with power, the rules-based order and the economy - January 2021
The first conference of 2021 was on ‘The new space race and its intersection with power, the rules-based order and the economy’. Held virtually during the UK’s third lockdown but making the most of
12 January, 2021
Reflection on the Ditchley conference - Living with COVID-19:
Matthew Holehouse, conference rapporteur, reflects on the Living with Covid-19 conference held in October 2020. "A world permanently without a vaccine for coronavirus seemed quite possible when the
11 January, 2021
World Order: what can and should it mean today
A Ditchley conference in honour of Dr Henry Kissinger (December 2020) ‘World Order: what can and should it mean today?’ was a landmark occasion for Ditchley. The event began with a conversation
11 January, 2021
Ocean Data discussions
The changing tides of data globalisation and what this means for a sustainable ocean? (December 2020) What role do militaries have in sharing ocean-related data? (December 2020) In December 2020