Recent News

01 October, 2019
Ditchley Campus Research Programme - a short-term research opportunity
The Ditchley Foundation aims to renew democratic societies, states, markets and alliances in the context of the challenges and opportunities of technological change and China’s growing global
05 September, 2019
Ditchley and Pivigo partner on data science project to improve connection of people and common understanding in the worlds of politics and technology
From the start of August to early September of 2019, Ditchley took part in Pivigo's prestigious Science To Data Science ( S2DS ) programme, which takes exceptional analytical PhDs and MScs and helps
13 July, 2019
Ditchley Festival of Ideas 2019
Ditchley hosted the third annual Festival of Ideas on Saturday 13 July 2019, welcoming around 160 post-graduate students and early career professionals to Ditchley Park for a day of discussion
06 July, 2019
The Ditchley Foundation Annual Lecture LV
On Saturday 6 July 2019 Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, delivered the 55th Ditchley Annual Lecture on “The Future of Multilateralism: Lessons from Finance”. He spoke on a range of topics